Friday, March 25, 2011

Marriage Resources

I will be doing a marriage resource list to hand out at study but here are a few to get you started:

John Piper: Go to sermons, 2007, then start looking through the year. There are about 10 or so on different topics on marriage

Mark Driscoll: There are several sermons that include things on marriage and sex. Check on the Peasant Princess series, incredible!

Craig Groeschel: Multiple sermons on marriage, sex, etc.

Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas

Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Love Dare for Military Spouses:


Don't forget:
-Military Men meet THIS Saturday 8am at my house!
-Deployed Spouses Dinner NEXT Thursday! See my email for details
-Conference Sign ups: Tell EVERYONE you know for registration forms!

Lifework: Purpose of Marriage

Life Work:
Going to the Chapel and we’re gonna get married…
Scripture Memory Verse:
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
Genesis 2:24 ESV
 Life Work Assignments:
(1)   The truth is most of us did not enter into marriage in an effort to show the world Christ’s covenant with the church. Instead, our reasons can be somewhat superficial. He was nice. He had a good job. He made us laugh. Think back about the reasons you entered into the marriage covenant. Were your reasons God honoring or self honoring? Be honest. If you find there were some selfish motivations, ask God to forgive you of those.
(2)   Marriage is designed by God. He knew we were not made to be alone. Yet, for us military wives, we spend much of marriage alone. But, God knew we would. Think about the ways you can use the design of marriage, showing covenant to the world, in a military marriage. What might that look like in times of waiting?
(3)   Our society is quick to end marriage. We are so quick in fact that many are ending it before it even starts with choosing cohabitation instead of the permanence of marriage. What are the dangers of this mentality? How does looking at marriage from such a disposable point of view seep into our minds as Christians? The rate of divorce is no different between those who claim to be Christians and those who don’t. Why do you think that is? What impact has society’s view on marriage had on us as believers?
(4)   Start thinking about the covenant of Christ and the church. What were the terms? What was the binding sacrifice? How did Christ view His bride? Begin to apply that covenant and that relationship to your own marriage. What are some ways you need to bend grace towards your spouse? What are some ways you need to display the covenant of the loving God with His people in your own home? How can you do that regularly?
(5)   Marriage is God’s doing and it is His design. How can remembering that help your marriage? How can it strengthen your marriage? Do you believe now that perhaps God designed marriage to make you holy, not happy? How does that change your actions?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Practical Help - How to Jump Start Your Car

As most of you know one of the things that Operation: Hope Front does as part of its ministry is provide practical help during deployments.  For a while I've been thinking of gathering information and "How-to's" on things that we often have our husbands' take care of for us.   Therefore, I'm going to start sending practical information on things you should know about your home, your vehicle and other adventuresome things that may come your way to this blog.  I'll mainly research the information on the web and/or ask experts and post the info here for you as well as add my own two cents if I have any to offer from experience.  Also, if your husband/family member told you a different way to go about something rather than what is posted here .... go with their information!   Often, there's more than one way to skin a cat, as they say, but I don't want a call from your little brother telling me that their way is much faster... 
And always, when you get in a bind or have a household problem -- PRAY.  Then GOOGLE it or search it on YOUTUBE.
This website was very helpful, simple and has photos.
- First off, you may not always be in a situation where it is safe or easy to jump start your vehicle on your own.  Check and see if your insurance company, cellular service carrier,  or vehicle manufacturer offers roadside assistance (if you don't have AAA or similar service). Make sure the contact number is in your cell phone and/or glove compartment for emergencies!  Also, 1-800-POP-OPEN  (Pop-a-Lock) is a good number to have on hand - they have locksmiths/services in 38 states & D.C.
- Double check your car's user guide - it may offer some helpful information specific to your vehicle (such as the below information).
- Trying to start the dead vehicle too quickly MAY result in the alarm blaring!  If vehicle's battery that needs jumping is SUPER dead (i.e. you can't remotely unlock the doors, NO lights come on when key is in ignition) you will definitely want to let the dead battery charge for about 10 minutes before turning the ignition.  Many vehicles with factory-installed security systems will do this. I learned this the hard way and I'm sure I annoyed my neighbors. About 3 times.
- Yes, they DO make portable battery boosters!  They run $130+

Thursday, March 10, 2011

2011 Conference Prayer Outline

Prayer outline for the next 10 weeks

Week 1, March 6-12- Pray for seeds to be planted in hearts of families to attend. Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead the way in changing hearts, even now.

Week 2, March 13-19- Pray that the ladies of OHF will be diligent in doing their tasks with a happy heart, and not be distracted by the business of life. Prayers over the OHF families in the next two months, and their military members as they support our country.

Week 3, March 20-26- Pray that churches in the area will raise up to support this ministry event. Prayers for local churches in general and to work as a team in supporting this event.

Week 4, March 27-April 2- Pray that the word will be out through advertising and those who hear may be receptive to the invitation. Pray for response for sign ups, and full attendance of 280 ladies, and 50+ men.

Week 5, April 3-9- Pray for the Juergens family as they prepare their words they have for us, and blessings to their family for their obedience. Blessings to their travels, safety, and children to be well and protected. 

Week 6, April 10-16- Pray for local businesses, that they may join in this cause, and be blessed for their donations. Prayers for all who donated items and that the door prizes will be given to the exact individual who would be blessed by that item. 

Week 7, April 17-23- Pray for the base, and that this conference may be the spark to a spiritual awakening with military families. Pray for FROs, COs, and all leaders to turn towards the Lord in their leadership. 

Week 8, April 24-30- Prayers for the children who will attend this event. May they have hearts that draw close to the Lord through this conference, and may Jesus be real to them. May they accept Christ through this event.Prayers for blessings over the childcare workers.

Week 9, May 1-7- Pray for the men and women attending this event, and may this conference be a turning point, in giving their hearts to Christ, or changing to be more like Him. May they be encouraged and filled up. 

Week 10, May 8-14- Pray that the Lord will work out all the small details that have to be done this week, and pray for those leading this conference. Give peace and organization this week. 

Circumstance, Shmircumstance

Life Work:
Circumstance, Shmircumstance
Scripture Memory Verse:
“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
-        Philippians 4:11-13 NIV
 Life Work Assignments:
1.)    Take an honest assessment of yourself. Do you find yourself dependent on circumstance and independent of Christ? Or do you rely wholly and completely on Him alone and are independent of external circumstance, that is content?
2.)    The truth is most of us are pulled and pushed by circumstance. They determine our mood. They determine our attitude. They determine our actions. They control us. Circumstance usually gains control over us through our thoughts. Take a look at your thoughts and compare them to Philippians 4:6-9. Where are your thoughts coming from? Magazines or tv shows? A negative group of friends? Constant self-centered thinking? What do you need to do to make your thoughts reflect Philippians 4:6-9?
3.)    Look at Hebrews 11. Look up some of the stories of those mentioned in this Chapter. Answer these questions for the people listed in this chapter:  What was their circumstance? How could they have been swayed by it? What natural emotions might you have felt in their circumstance? How did they go against their natural inclination to depend on circumstance and how did they depend on God?
4.)    Read some verses on thoughts and attitudes. Meditate on them. Think about what they meant for the writer. Do some research about who wrote these verses and what they mean.
5.)    Contentment, regardless of what is going on around you, is a learned behavior that starts with knowing God’s truth. If you find yourself being pulled by what is going on in your circumstances, get into God’s word. Start learning His promises to you and memorize them. Speak them to yourself when you find yourself being pulled. Renew your mind daily. Read Hebrews 4:12 and Romans 12:2. Renewal is a process. It is done over and over again. God’s word is the only way to learn this process.
6.)    One of the greatest ways we can become dependent upon God instead of circumstance is to turn every fear into a prayer. When a thought pops into your mind that encourages you to become dependent on circumstance, turn it into a prayer.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2011 Military Family "A Day of Hope" Conference

Registration has begun for our 2011 Military Family Conference!!!

SHBC Operation: Hope Front Presents
"A Day of Hope"
2nd Annual Military Family Conference
Saturday, May 14th, 2011
Scotts Hill Baptist Church
Wilmington, NC

Open to all Military Wives and Female Military Members of all ranks and branches of service
Cross Point Center
Guest Speakers: Diana Juergens, Author of "Wife of a Soldier, a Journey of Faith" and her husband, COL Rich Juergens, US ARMY
Includes: Speakers, Lunch, Door Prizes, Music, Games and More!

Children ages birth-6th Grade will enjoy fun activities, lunch and more for FREE while mom attends the conference!

"Bagels and Basketball"
Open to all Military Men and Male Military Spouse of all ranks and branches of service
Family Life Center
Guest Speaker: COL Rich Juergens, US ARMY
Includes: Breakfast, Door Prizes, Guest Speaker, Basketball and More!

For more info, call the church office (910) 686-9885 or email us:

185 Scotts Hill Loop Rd. Wilmington, NC 28411