Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Weariness Life work

Life Work:
Come all you weary…
Scripture Memory Verse:
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  
-Isaiah 40:29-31 NIV
 Life Work Assignments:
1.)   Complete the three steps Sara Horn mentioned from Joanna Weaver’s Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World:
1.      Make a list of all activities you and your family do.
2.      Pray over that list and prioritize it, assigning each a number from one to four.
3.      Eliminate all the fours.
2.)   Think about the word “renew” and that meaning “exchange of strength.” Start practicing “exchanging strength” with God. When you feel overwhelmed, turn it into a prayer and ask God to exchange strengths with you.
3.)   Start each day like Christ did. Go to your Father first thing. Bring your to do list to your prayer time and ask Him to help you complete the “one thing” He has in store for you for that day. Ask Him to help you get done what He desires you to get done, not just what you think needs to be accomplished.
4.)   When someone asks you to do something for them or to be a part of a group or committee, start responding with, “Let me pray about it.” Then, PRAY about it! If you find yourself not having a peace or clear answer about taking on the task, politely decline. Even Jesus did not help every person he came in contact with. He chose based on who his Father wanted him to help.
5.)   Read “Slow Down” on page 159 of Faith Deployed. How can you eliminate some “hurry” in your life? Schedule at least one day a week where you and your family have NOTHING planned. Use it as a day to renew yourselves.

Thursday, November 18, 2010



Lesson/Lifework: Difficult Times

Difficult Times
Introduction: It has been said that we are all either going into, in the midst of or coming out of a storm. Suffering and difficult times can be the one thing that can keep us from deepening in our faith. The question of why a good God allows certain things has been asked by all of humanity. Today, we are going to look at the “whys”, “whats” and “hows” of difficult storms in our lives. Watch Nooma Video entitled, “Rain.”
I.                    Why does God allow suffering?
a.       On this sheet of paper, I want you to write down the top 5 difficult times in your life on one side. Keep it brief, just a word or sentence, no need to explain and you will not have to share these unless you want to. What are some of the general themes of our suffering? (Loss, disappointment, physical pain, military life)
b.      So, what is usually the first question that both Christians and non-Christians ask in the midst of a storm? (WHY?) Why? Why did God allow this to happen? Just off the top of your head, without giving specific answers about specific sufferings in your life, what are some of the “whys”?
                                                               i.      Let’s read Isaiah 55:8-13. First thing we need to understand about suffering: God’s ways are not our ways. While He MAY reveal to us some of the why’s in our various difficult storms, He will not reveal them ALL. There are reasons that will extend beyond our comprehension on this earth. Secondly, we need to recognize that EVERYTHING that happens on this earth that God allows is for one purpose and one purpose only: His glory. Keep these things in mind as we talk about difficult times.
c.       Let’s take a look at some of the reasons God may reveal to us as to “why” he allows us to go through a storm:
                                                               i.      To refine us:
1.       Proverbs 17:3
2.       1 Peter 1:6-8
a.       Trials and sufferings are tests. What would you say the main thing they test are based on these verses? (our faith and our heart)
b.      Why would God need to even test our faith? (because of all the junk and impurities that exist in our lives).
c.       We’ve got to keep in mind God’s ultimate goal for us. Let’s read Matthew 22:36-38. His goal for us is not our temporary happiness or comfort on this earth. Instead, based on this verse, what is it? (to love Him with all we have)
d.      Sometimes sufferings come as a way to lead us to complete devotion to Him and Him alone. Like the gold being refined in the the furnace, He will use the fire of trials to strip away all the impurities in our lives.
                                                             ii.      To grow, mature us or for a higher good:
1.       Romans 5:1-5: According to these verses, what is the ultimate result of suffering? (Hope) Notice this process though. It starts with suffering. The more and more we suffer, the more we persevere through trials. As we continue to persevere, God adds character to us. It is through this character that we ultimately find hope. Hope is what the world needs more than anything. Sometimes it is through our hope in the midst of what looks to be a horrible mess that others can come to know Christ. We’ve all said it, “If she can have hope in the middle of that trial, surely I can in the middle of my seemingly smaller one.”
2.       James 1:2-4: Suffering is used to complete us, making us lack nothing in our spiritual walk.
                                                            iii.      To show his power:
1.       2 Corinthians 12:9-10: God’s power is revealed in our weakness. Think about this. He can show His redemptive power in the midst of a powerful storm more so than He can through a life that is comfortable and untouched by difficulty. Which is more amazing: the man who falls from a 20 story building and lives or the one who falls from his bed and lives? God’s hand can be seen more in the stories that are riddled with hardship and heartache.
                                                           iv.      To become more like Christ:
1.       Philippians 3:7-12: To truly live out the Christian faith, we HAVE to be willing to lose it all, everything on this earth. We need to strive towards understanding our Savior and what He went through on our behalf, rather than striving towards a life that is completely comfortable and free from all heartache. Jesus experienced the most excruciating pain anyone on this earth has ever felt. He underwent torture, hatred, abuse, and the most horrific thing we as Christians can imagine, separation from His father as He took on every sin we ever committed. A lot of times we as Christians have this goal of using Christ to get us the life we want instead of the life God wants us to have.
II.                  What does suffering reveal?
a.       His Character:
                                                               i.      Most of us have a very warped view of who God is and what He is about. Some things God is not:
1.       He is not an insurance policy, where if you pray enough, go to church enough, tithe enough, He will keep bad things from happening.
2.       He is not a vending machine, where we insert our prayer coin, and push the button and He will give us what we want.
3.       He is not a cosmic killjoy, watching from high above in an effort to catch us messing up so he can smite us.
                                                             ii.      Suffering can reveal to us some of the truths of God’s character:
1.       His sovereignty:
a.       Psalm 3:4-5: Our next breath is dependent on God. How can suffering show us His sovereignty that is control in all situations?
2.       His goodness:
a.       Romans 8:28: Not all things will be good, but they will all be worked for our good. There is a difference.
                                                            iii.      Suffering can reveal our own failures and needs:
1.       Our sins and idols:
a.       Jeremiah 2:13: Sometimes suffering is the direct or indirect result of our sin. Sometimes it can force us to pry back our hands that are clutching idols, that is things in our lives that we have elevated to a position reserved only for our creator. What are some things we can put in the place of God that He can sometimes force us to suffer without in order to regain His rightful position in our lives?  (HUSBANDS- God will use deployment as a way for us to take away that idol of our husbands and replace it with our reliance on HIM alone, children, stuff, etc.)
2.       Our need for Him:
a.       Think back to the video. When did the baby realize he needed his father? Was it during the sunny, beautiful part of their walk or was it in the midst of the thunder and lightning? God is a relational God. Above all else, more than He wants you to do good, more than He wants you to follow His commands, He wants to have a relationship with you. Suffering will reveal our need for a relationship with Him more quickly and more dramatically than a life that has never seen hardship.
b.      C.S. Lewis said, “"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world."

III.                What should we do through our own suffering?
a.       Allow it to grow and refine our faith. Use it to ask God hard questions. Job did. Just be prepared if God says I can’t tell you the answers.
b.      Allow it to draw us nearer to Him:
                                                               i.      Psalm 22:24
                                                             ii.      Psalm 34:17-19
c.       Allow it to reveal our ministry:
                                                               i.      2 Corinithians 1:3-7: Your suffering will show you your ministry. You have all experienced military life and the hardships and challenges that go with it. Guess where God wants you to serve? Military wives. But beyond that, you each have a unique story, a unique experience, a unique suffering and guess what, God is going to use you uniquely in other ministries. If you’ve suffered a miscarriage or the loss of a child or fertility issues, guess who God might have you serve. If you’ve been through a divorce or difficulties in your marriage, guess who God might have you serve. If you’ve overcome addiction, eating disorders, or alcoholism, guess what? In addition, the fact that you have suffered will open you up to ministry of anyone who has suffered.
                                                             ii.      Remember, it does not last:
1.       Revelation 21:3-4: Suffering is temporary. It will only occur while we are on this earth. Eventually, God will remove all our suffering and all our tears and they will not even be a memory. We HAVE to keep this in mind.
IV.                How do we minister to those who are suffering?
a.       Never assume someone is ok based on their outward appearance. Consider Plato’s words, “Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” We all are going through, coming out of or in the midst of our own battles.
c.       Don’t offer contrite responses or minimize their pain with “It could always be worse, at least ________, etc.” Recognize and acknowledge their hurt.
                                                               i.      Proverbs 14:10: Don’t think of someone else’s suffering as minimal. Suffering is relative. Each person’s struggles will be dependant upon what they have been through in the past and what God has done in their lives. Just because you might see something as not a big deal, it may be a tragedy in the life of another.
d.      Offer to journey with them.
                                                               i.      Job 2:11-13: This was perhaps the best thing Job’s friends did in the midst of his suffering. They just journeyed with him through his pain. They wept with him. Their hearts were broken for him.
                                                             ii.      Romans 12:15
e.      Pray for them:
                                                               i.      Often we cannot conjure up the right words or do anything to help someone but the best thing we can do is pray unceasingly.
f.        Encourage them through scripture:
                                                               i.      Send notes of scripture or emails. Just be sensitive to timing. When someone has just experienced a death of someone near to them, it may not be the best time to say, “God works all things for our good.” Allow the time of mourning, but then encourage them appropriately and as God leads you to scripture verses for them.
Conclusion: Look back at your list of your 5 greatest hardships. Just off the top of your head, on the other side of the paper write why God may have allowed it or what He has revealed through it. Does it point you to your ministry? Has he grown, refined or matured your faith? Did He reveal His character or power through it?
Life Work:
Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen…
Scripture Memory Verse:
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
James 1:2-4 NIV
1.   Make a detailed list of all the storms you’ve been through that you consider significant in your life.
2.   Next to each storm, pray and ask God to reveal one thing which He has brought through that storm: refining, growth or maturing of your faith or the faith of someone around you, revelation of His power in your life, forming us to be more like Christ, an aspect of his character, an idol we have or a sin, our need for Him or something else?
3.   What is your natural response to suffering or difficulty? Do you cry out to God? Do you allow Him to carry you? Or do you fight it with every ounce of your being? How can you allow trials to do their work in you better? Can you find joy in the midst of difficult times?
4.   Looking back at your list of storms, what ministries are you equipped for? As a woman, you are equipped to minister to women first and foremost. As a military wife or member of the military, you are equipped to minister to those in the military life. Now look at specific experiences: victim of sexual abuse, child of divorce, struggles with eating disorders, addictions or alcohol or maybe it is something less “severe”. Maybe you have always struggled with depression or anxiety. Maybe you have suffered from a low self-esteem or self-worth. Pray for God to reveal specific groups of women He wants you to minister to and then be ready for Him to put them in your path!
5.   How do you need to minister in someone’s pain right now? Or how do you need to be ministered to? Do you need to/need someone to journey through pain with? Do you need to/need someone to pray? Do you need to/need someone to encourage through scriptures? If you are in need, be sure you seek out someone you trust to minister to you during your difficult storm. People can’t read minds and sometimes we can suffer because we don’t let anyone know we are suffering!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Don't forget ladies, BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK:
Tuesday Night 11/16 from 7:30-9pm (no childcare)
Thursday Day 11/18 from 10-11:30am (childcare provided)

Also, be sure you RSVP for our 1st Annual Shop Til You Drop Holiday Party on Friday, November 19th from 7pm-9pm. Bring your favorite holiday treat or appetizer, then get ready for food, fun and fellowship! We will have a variety of vendors available for those who want to knock out some Christmas shopping! If you don't want to shop, don't worry! This is a NO PRESSURE party so vendors will just be off to the side for those interested in looking at catalogs and such! There will be great food, drinks, and DOOR PRIZES!!! So come on out and join us for some holiday fun!

If you need information on any of these events, please contact:

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Don't forget!!!
The Fall Fest is THIS weekend from 4pm until???
Food, fun (games, hayrides, apple bobbing), bonfire and more...Oh, did I mention CHILDREN CHASERS??? That's right, there will be people there with the job to CHASE your children so you can eat, converse, etc. etc. Can you believe it??? If that doesn't get you there, I don't know what will!

Contact me for more info: military@scottshill.org

Loneliness Life Work

Life Work:
All by myself…don’t wanna be, all by myself…anymore
Scripture Memory Verse:
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” –Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Life Work Assignments:
1.       Sometimes the first step in dealing with loneliness is admitting that we are in fact lonely. Most people don’t know what is going on inside of us, unless we let them in and tell them. If you are feeling lonely, first admit it to God. Tell Him why you think you are feeling this way. Is it because of your husband’s deployment? Is it because you are keeping your guard up with others so they can’t get in? Is it because you isolate yourself? Then, find someone who you think can be a friend to you during this time and admit it to them.
2.       Often times, we can make up stories in our heads about other people when in fact we ourselves are guilty of the same thing! Sometimes, we can say, “no one ever invites me out or tries to be my friend,” when in actuality we never attempt to invite others or be their friend. Actively try to engage people. Call someone up and ask them to do something with you. Sure, you might get rejected, but keep trying if at first you don’t succeed. Call others in this group or other “circles” in your life until you find someone who is willing to have another friend.
3.       Some of you may not be dealing with the feeling of loneliness in your life right now. Praise God for that! But, undoubtedly, you have experienced a season of loneliness. Be actively seeking those who are lonely and comfort them in their time of loneliness. What are some actual things you can do to show someone else they are not alone? Can you send them a card? Can you invite them over for dinner? Be creative and then, do it!
4.      Aloneness is not always a bad thing. If your husband is away or if you are just feeling as though you are in a season of loneliness, use it to grow closer to God. Use times of aloneness for prayer and studying His word. Converse with God as frequently as you do your husband when he is home and you will find your relationship with God grow abundantly. Share the same concerns you would share with your husband, with your Creator. Share your daily thoughts, just as you would with your husband, with God. The conversation we are suppose to carry on with God isn’t meant to last just in the morning, before a meal or at night before bed, it is meant to be continuous.

Monday, October 18, 2010


It's a Fall Fest Fellowship Event!
Hay ride, Pumpkin Carving, apple bobbing, food, fellowship and more!
Bring the WHOLE family (or at least whoever is not deployed ;) and come whether you have kids or not! There will be something for EVERYONE!!!

Join us Saturday, October 30th from 4pm-until
for a Fall Fest for SHBC Operation: Hope Front!
This event is open to ALL military families so invite military friends
(just please let us know how many are planning to attend)
Location: See evite, email military@scottshill.org if you haven't received an evite

Costumes are welcome but not required!

Trust (Night Study: 10/12 and Day Study: 10/14)

Life Work:
Wait for it, wait for it…
Learning to Trust

Scripture Memory Verse:
“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
-Luke 11:11-13 NIV
 Life Work Assignments:
1.) Make a list of some things you have recently cried out “But I want it!!” to God. That is, what are some of the things you have wanted God to give you?
2.) Think about times when you prayed for things and God said no or not now because He had something better in store. Make two columns. In the first write “What I wanted” and in the second write “What I Got.” Then, list the things you asked for and what God eventually gave you instead. When you are feeling impatient or are lacking trust in God’s plan, reflect on those things
3.) Start looking at whether or not in your heart of hearts you trust God and that He has your ultimate good in store for you. If you find that you don’t truly trust Him, work that out with Him this week during your prayer time. Ask Him to increase your trust.
4.) Go to http://www.biblegateway.com/ and search the word “Trust”. Look at some Bible verses and stories that deal with trusting God. Make a box of 3x5 cards with verses on trust that you can refer to at times when you find yourself lacking trust.

Temptation (Night Study did this 9/28, Day Study will do 10/21)

Life Work:
Slow Fade
Scripture Memory Verse:
“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” 
-1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV
 Life Work Assignments:
1.)   This week, try to recognize the temptations you have. What is enticing and alluring you to deviate from the straight path God set before you? Write down the temptations you are facing and pray to God to show you the way out. As you go through the week, write down what He reveals.
2.)   The best way to stop temptation from ever spiraling into full blown sin is to combat it with God’s truth. However, before you can do that, you need to know God’s truth. Take an honest look at how well you know God’s truth. Do you spend time in His word each and every day? If not, start having a daily time to read your Bible. Do you hide scripture in your heart? Remember Christ’s perfect example of how to combat the enticements and alluring promises of Satan: to quote God’s word directly. When we know God’s word by heart, we can immediately combat the lies and tantalizations of Satan.
3.)   Casting Crown sang words that ring true for so many of us, when they said, “The journey from your mind to your hands is shorter than your thinking/Be careful if you think you stand you might just be sinking/It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away/It’s a slow fade when black and white are turned to gray.” Slow Fade, Casting Crowns. Sometimes we think it is ok to focus our thoughts on things as long as we don’t act on them. But our thoughts can quickly become our actions. Take a real close look at what you think about and what you put into your thoughts, in other words the music, the television, the reading, or anything else that we focus on. Are there things that are lulling you into a slow fade? Do you need to turn away from certain places? Pray to God for the wisdom and discernment to show you areas in your life that could potentially turn black and white into gray.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Life Work:
Baggage Check: Forgiving as we have been forgiven
Scripture Memory Verse:
“Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”
Colossians 3:12-14 NIV
Life Work Assignments:
1.      Take some time to really think about what baggage you are carrying. Some of the ways you know you haven’t forgiven someone is that you: continually bring up the past action in current arguments or conflicts, seeing the person or place where it happened makes you feel the same hurts or pains, or if you wish something bad would happen to the person. Make a list of all the people you have not forgiven and pray to God to reveal areas of unforgiveness in your life.
2.      Start reflecting on what God’s gift to you meant. There was a time where you have hurt someone or not done what God wanted you to, yet He forgave you. What would your life have looked like if everything bad you ever did was never forgiven?
3.      Love. Do Good. Bless. Pray for. This is what we are supposed to do towards those who have hurt us. Take a sheet of paper and make 5 columns. Set it up like this:


In the first column, list all the people you have not forgiven from Life Work Assignment #1. Then, for each person write specific actions, you can do to LOVE, DO GOOD, BLESS, and PRAY FOR each person. Keep in mind, forgiveness is an action so DO the things you have written down.
4.      Rob Bell talks about that there are some situations in which forgiving is not forgetting. Situations of abuse or extremely unhealthy relationships may require us to get away from the relationship or set up boundaries. If one of the people you have not forgiven falls into this category, think about ways you can forgive without being in the same negative situation. Sometimes all we can do is pray for someone. Sometimes we may need professional help to create boundaries or get to a safe place, away from that situation. Do whatever it is that you need to do in those types of relationships.
Ladies who attended- What did God reveal to you about your own baggage this week? Anyone want to share some forgiving ACTIONS He prompted you to take????

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Don't forget! Bible study meets THIS week!
Tuesday, Sept. 14th from 7:30-9pm (no childcare provided but we can help you arrange!) and Thursday, Sept. 16 from 10-11:30am (childcare provided).

This weeks topic: BAGGAGE aka Forgiveness
Start thinking about your baggage. What are those hurts, hangups, and wounds that seem to never go away? We all have it! And if you don't think you do, that probably means you have a lot! :)

And don't forget our memory verse! See the previous post!

Hope to see you Tuesday or Thursday!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


We had a great first OHF Fall Bible study meeting both on Tuesday and Thursday! Our topic was Masks- removing them and becoming authentic in our faith so that we can not only heal but bring others to Christ.

Here was the Lifework in case you missed it!:
Life Work:

Removing the Mask and Becoming Authentic Believers
Scripture Memory Verse:
“No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light. For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open."
Luke 8:16-17 (NIV)
Life Work Assignments:
1.) Think about your own masks. Be honest and real with yourself as you look at what you are hiding behind and why. Start praying specifically about those things and ask God to help remove the mask.

2.) What are some practical ways you can remove your mask? Do you need to share with a struggle you have with a friend who sees you as “having it all together”? Do you need to do something that may make you appear weak in the eyes of another? Do you need to stop doing something that is perpetuating a false image of who you are? Write those things down and give yourself a date to complete them by. Ask a trusted friend to help keep you accountable.

3.) Consider the idea that the things we conceal are often things that God can use for His glory. In our weakness, He is made strong. Think about how God has or can use your weaknesses. Is there someone you can minister to or comfort, who is going through a similar situation that you once faced? Can accepting your weakness bring you into a deeper reliance and closer relationship with God? Write a prayer THANKING God for your weaknesses and how they can bring you nearer to Him.

4.) Authentic Christianity should be one of our goals in our Christian walk. We don’t want to be “Sunday Christians” (acting the “right” way on Sunday, but no other day of the week), especially amongst our military communities because time is of the essence. The military community is a mission field and we are the missionaries! If we don’t show authenticity to this special group of people, who will? For the military member, knowing Christ before going into the valley of the shadow of death can make the difference between life and death. For their families, having the hope of Christ before facing loved ones in those dark valleys can be the difference between hope and despair. Your life is an example, whether it be a good one or a bad one depends upon you! Look at your own Christian life. Are you authentic? Do you act the same, no matter what the crowd? Do you find yourself “hiding” your faith in some circles? Or do you find your regular day-to-day words and actions directly disputing the convictions you claim? Honestly take a look at this in your own life and write out specific ways you need to be more authentic in your beliefs and actions. Then, do it!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Fall Kickoff Party

We had an awesome time at our Fall Kickoff Party this past week! Great fellowship, great games, and of course, GREAT food! WAYYYYYYY too much of it, but that is a good problem to have!

Check out some pictures from the event:

Friday, August 27, 2010

Upcoming Bible Study/Fellowship Events

SHBC Operation: Hope Front Military Wives 2010 Calendar
Bible Study Dates:
(Childcare provided on Thursday AM meetings only, but we can assist you in finding it for Tuesday PM meetings)
Tuesday Evening Meetings: 7:30-9:00pm
Thursday Daytime Meetings: 10:00-11:30am

Taking off the Mask:
Tuesday, August 31
Thursday, September 2
Tuesday, September 14
Thursday, September 16
Tuesday, September 28
Thursday, September 30
Tuesday, October 12
Thursday, October 14
Tuesday, October 26
Thursday, October 28
Difficult Times:
Tuesday, November 16
Thursday, November 18
Tuesday, November 30
Thursday, December 2
Tuesday, December 14
Thursday, December 16

Fellowship Events:
Thursday, September 9th: Wacky Tacky Event Set up. All those who are able are encouraged to help us set up for this fun filled, wacky women’s ministry event at Scotts Hill. Those interested can pool together to get help with childcare. This will be a great opportunity for our ministry to give back to other ministries in the church!!

Friday, September 10th thru Saturday, September 11th: Wacky Tacky Girls Weekend Makeover. SHBC Women’s Ministry two day event filled with amazing speakers, great door prizes, food, fun and more!! Get tickets from Catherine!

Friday, September 24th: Event to be determined. Just mark your calendar for a fun family event!

Sunday, September 26th: Baby shower for group member, Lindsey. Details to follow!

Friday, October 22 through Sunday, October 24: Fall Retreat to Myrtle Beach. Start making arrangements for kiddos so you can join us for a fun weekend of relaxation and renewal in Myrtle Beach! A small deposit will be required for those interested in coming!

Friday, November 19th: Shop til you Drop Holiday Party. Are you or someone you know part of a small business like Tastefully Simple, Arbonne, Southern Living, or something else? All those interested will be able to share their business or crafts at our Shop til you Drop Holiday Party! Location and details to come!

Friday, December 10 and Saturday, December 11: SHBC Christmas Tea. We would like to host a few tables this year for this FUN event (you can select which of the 3 times to come- Fri. night, Sat. morn or Sat. night, not whole weekend event).

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Welcome to the Operation: Hope Front Blog! Our ministry is for military wives, moms, girlfriends and female military members of all branches and ranks in Wilmington, NC. Our mission is to "Engage, Encourage, and Equip Military Wives with God's Love and Promises!"

We do this through five different areas:

(1) Bible Study/Fellowship: We have both a night and day topical Bible study that meets to discuss issues relevant to today's military spouse, mom, and female military member. Email us for more details on location! We also host a variety of activities to get to know one another.
(2) Practical Help during Deployment: We offer help during deployments such as childcare assistance, lawn care, basic car and home repair and more.
(3) Conference: Our annual conference is an amazing time of fellowship and worship with fellow wives in our area. Guest speakers, door prizes, music and more make this an event you don't want to miss!
(4) Outreach/missions: The ministry seeks to show God's love towards others, both inside and outside of the military community. Some past projects have included: sock/underwear drive for troops on the frontlines, Valentine's for Marines at home, and more.
(5) Spiritual Resources: We can get a variety of spiritual resources to help you as you face the challenges of military life!

If you are a military spouse, mom, or female military member, we'd love for you to be a part of this ministry! Shoot us an email at: military@scottshill.org !

Love in Him,
The Ladies of Operation: Hope Front