Monday, May 16, 2011

Practical Help - How To Change A Flat Tire

Hey Ladies!  Here's an excellent guide on how to CHANGE A FLAT TIRE.  As always, be sure you are in a SAFE PLACE before attempting to do this, and always refer to your car's USER MANUAL.  Many cars, especially in recent years, have additional safety features (such as wheel locks) or other components to prevent theft or further damage to your tires/rims.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I found this out the hard way -- changing your own tire only works if the lug nuts aren't on so tight that you cannot loosen them yourself.  I recently managed to get a large bolt stuck in my rear tire, creating a slow leak.  I was all set to change out my tire out in front of Amanda Cave's house one morning during CARE when I found I could not loosen the lug nuts. Neither could Mr. Neighbor across the street, who kindly wanted to use a sledge hammer (not recommended).
Catherine's husband, Rick (aka resident auto expert), suggested one should ask the mechanics who service the tires to manually tighten the lug nuts, in the event you would need to change a flat yourself.
ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: I ended up getting the bolt removed and the tire plugged at Hampstead Auto Center on Hwy 17.  For this service, they were fast, affordable and very friendly.  AND had toddler toys in the waiting room.  Some other ladies in the ministry have had great experiences with them as well!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

2011 SHBC Operation: Hope Front Conference Details

You should be getting this via email, but just in case...

Dear 2011 SHBC Operation: Hope Front “A Day of Hope” Conference Attendee-

We are SO excited that you have decided to join us on Saturday, May 14th for our 2nd Annual Military Family Conference at Scotts Hill Baptist Church. This day is quickly approaching and we wanted to send you all the information you will need to know! Please read through all these details so you will know what to expect, especially if you have registered your children!

Saturday, May 14th:
Women’s Event: 10am-3pm
Men’s Event: 10am-11:30am
Childcare: 10am-3pm

Scotts Hill is located at 185 Scotts Hill Loop Rd. Wilmington, NC 28411.
                From Jacksonville:
Take 17 South towards Wilmington. Just before the 40/17 split, you will see “Poplar Grove Plantation” on your left. Immediately after is a stop light (there is a restaurant on the corner, next to Poplar Grove) onto Scotts Hill Loop Rd. Turn left at the light onto Scotts Hill Loop Rd. The church will be located on your left. There should be a sign located at the stop light directing you.

If your children are registered for the event, please arrive at 9:30am to check them into the appropriate area. If you do not have to check in your children, you may arrive anytime between 9:30am-9:45am. See below for more information as to where children should go. If you arrive late to the event, come on in and find a seat after checking in your children in their appropriate areas! We will have someone near the door to give you a raffle ticket for door prizes.

We ask that the first entrance parking lot between the sanctuary and the Family Life Center be used as an unloading zone. Please use this lot to park while you take your children into their appropriate areas. Use the main parking lot for the remainder of the day.

Children ages birth through 4 years old will be located in the nursery areas located in the main building. Take the first left entrance into Scotts Hill. You will see a large awning on your right on the back of the main sanctuary. If you go under the awning, you will see doors to the left and right. Above the doors are the ages of children that should be in each hall. Follow those signs for your child’s age. Parents of babies will be given a beeper to alert them in the event their child is inconsolable or the childcare workers need your assistance. Parents of older children will receive a wrist band with a number and the number will be announced to alert them in the event their child is inconsolable or the childcare workers need your assistance. Please label all of your child’s necessary items: diaper bag, bottles, etc. Please do not bring any peanut products. The day is long for little ones so be sure to pack any comfort items your child might need and be sure to label it. Children will be enjoying play time, crafts, movies and more depending on their age.

Children ages 5 years and up will be located in the Cross Point Center. This is the furthest building back and has a sign on the building. You will enter through the multiple set of doors on the right to check in your child. These children will enjoy our incredible youth center will a variety of things to do such as video games, basketball, and more. In addition, children may be playing outside, weather permitting, and doing field day like activities including face painting, relay races and more. Please make sure they wear tennis shoes and appropriate play clothes.


If you have a breastfeeding newborn and wish to keep your child with you in the conference area, you may do so. Please be respectful to those around you and step out in the event your child becomes a distraction to others. We will have an area set up in the women’s bathroom for breastfeeding.

If your husband is attending and he wishes to take your children home after he finishes at his event, this is fine! Please just be sure to write his name on all papers that you fill out with our workers and let them know that your children will be leaving after the men’s event.

Lunch/snack for Children:
McDonald’s of Surf City and Wilmington has graciously donated lunch for children ages 2 and up. They will either be serving chicken nuggets or hamburgers and apple dippers. We will serve lemonade as well. Children will not have a choice as it will depend on what is donated. If your child dislikes this menu, please bring a lunch for them.

We ask that you bring a lunch for children under the age of 2 years (23 months and below). This will ensure food is served in the manner that your child is able to eat it (cut up, etc.) and will help our childcare workers in feeding the smaller children. We will have a few extra meals in the event you forget to bring a lunch for your younger child, but we cannot guarantee we will have one for all who forget.

A small snack of goldfish (or something comparable) and water will be served in the afternoon. Again, please alert our childcare workers of any allergies. Older children may have popsicles.

Men’s Event:
The Men’s event will be located in the Family Life Center, the building directly behind the main sanctuary, on the Scotts Hill Campus from 10am-11:30am. Men will be enjoying a light breakfast, guest speaker COL Rich Juergens, door prizes and then for those who wish to, they may play basketball in our church’s gym.

Women’s Event:
The Women’s event will be located in the Cross Point Center Worship center from 10am-3pm. This is the farthest building back (which will also be where kids ages 5 and up will be) and is labeled. You will enter through the left set of double doors. Women will be enjoying a light breakfast, guest speaker Diana Juergens, games, door prizes, worship, and more.

Our prayer is that you are ready to be blessed! This day is a celebration of YOU and the sacrifices you make as a military member and as a military family!  Thank you for your service and thank you for joining us next week. We look forward to what God has to say to us as military families! If you have any questions before the event, contact us at or call the church office, 910.686.9885. See you Saturday, May 14th!

In Him,
Operation: Hope Front

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

DOD Childcare Resources

Operation: Military Child Care
is a Department of Defense (DoD) initiative to support
the child care needs of parents who are

WHY is Child Care needed?
When military parents are
for child care often increase and so do their
activated/deployed, their needsout-of-pocket
child care expenses.

HOW does
Operation: Military Child Care
support activated/deployed parents?
Helps eligible families locate child care options
in local communities
Reduces child care fees for eligible families who are
already using licensed or legally-operating community
child care programs and providers

WHO is eligible to participate?
Families/Child Guardians of National Guard & Reserve
Service Members who are
Families/Child Guardians of
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines who are unable
to access child care on military installations are eligible
during the deployment period and for
the return of the Military Parent
deployed Active Duty60 days after
The fee assistance program is intended to help support military
spouses’ employment, education, or special medical circumstances.
Fee assistance will only be provided to single military families, dual
military families, and military families with a spouse who is working
or enrolled in school. It will also be provided to military families
where the spouse is looking for work for a period of up to
60 days.

HOW much will child care fees be reduced?
Fee assistance will vary for each family depending upon
total family income, location, DoD child care fee policies,
and available funding.

CLICK HERE for more information on childcare resources available to your branch.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Marriage Resources

I will be doing a marriage resource list to hand out at study but here are a few to get you started:

John Piper: Go to sermons, 2007, then start looking through the year. There are about 10 or so on different topics on marriage

Mark Driscoll: There are several sermons that include things on marriage and sex. Check on the Peasant Princess series, incredible!

Craig Groeschel: Multiple sermons on marriage, sex, etc.

Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas

Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Love Dare for Military Spouses:


Don't forget:
-Military Men meet THIS Saturday 8am at my house!
-Deployed Spouses Dinner NEXT Thursday! See my email for details
-Conference Sign ups: Tell EVERYONE you know for registration forms!

Lifework: Purpose of Marriage

Life Work:
Going to the Chapel and we’re gonna get married…
Scripture Memory Verse:
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
Genesis 2:24 ESV
 Life Work Assignments:
(1)   The truth is most of us did not enter into marriage in an effort to show the world Christ’s covenant with the church. Instead, our reasons can be somewhat superficial. He was nice. He had a good job. He made us laugh. Think back about the reasons you entered into the marriage covenant. Were your reasons God honoring or self honoring? Be honest. If you find there were some selfish motivations, ask God to forgive you of those.
(2)   Marriage is designed by God. He knew we were not made to be alone. Yet, for us military wives, we spend much of marriage alone. But, God knew we would. Think about the ways you can use the design of marriage, showing covenant to the world, in a military marriage. What might that look like in times of waiting?
(3)   Our society is quick to end marriage. We are so quick in fact that many are ending it before it even starts with choosing cohabitation instead of the permanence of marriage. What are the dangers of this mentality? How does looking at marriage from such a disposable point of view seep into our minds as Christians? The rate of divorce is no different between those who claim to be Christians and those who don’t. Why do you think that is? What impact has society’s view on marriage had on us as believers?
(4)   Start thinking about the covenant of Christ and the church. What were the terms? What was the binding sacrifice? How did Christ view His bride? Begin to apply that covenant and that relationship to your own marriage. What are some ways you need to bend grace towards your spouse? What are some ways you need to display the covenant of the loving God with His people in your own home? How can you do that regularly?
(5)   Marriage is God’s doing and it is His design. How can remembering that help your marriage? How can it strengthen your marriage? Do you believe now that perhaps God designed marriage to make you holy, not happy? How does that change your actions?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Practical Help - How to Jump Start Your Car

As most of you know one of the things that Operation: Hope Front does as part of its ministry is provide practical help during deployments.  For a while I've been thinking of gathering information and "How-to's" on things that we often have our husbands' take care of for us.   Therefore, I'm going to start sending practical information on things you should know about your home, your vehicle and other adventuresome things that may come your way to this blog.  I'll mainly research the information on the web and/or ask experts and post the info here for you as well as add my own two cents if I have any to offer from experience.  Also, if your husband/family member told you a different way to go about something rather than what is posted here .... go with their information!   Often, there's more than one way to skin a cat, as they say, but I don't want a call from your little brother telling me that their way is much faster... 
And always, when you get in a bind or have a household problem -- PRAY.  Then GOOGLE it or search it on YOUTUBE.
This website was very helpful, simple and has photos.
- First off, you may not always be in a situation where it is safe or easy to jump start your vehicle on your own.  Check and see if your insurance company, cellular service carrier,  or vehicle manufacturer offers roadside assistance (if you don't have AAA or similar service). Make sure the contact number is in your cell phone and/or glove compartment for emergencies!  Also, 1-800-POP-OPEN  (Pop-a-Lock) is a good number to have on hand - they have locksmiths/services in 38 states & D.C.
- Double check your car's user guide - it may offer some helpful information specific to your vehicle (such as the below information).
- Trying to start the dead vehicle too quickly MAY result in the alarm blaring!  If vehicle's battery that needs jumping is SUPER dead (i.e. you can't remotely unlock the doors, NO lights come on when key is in ignition) you will definitely want to let the dead battery charge for about 10 minutes before turning the ignition.  Many vehicles with factory-installed security systems will do this. I learned this the hard way and I'm sure I annoyed my neighbors. About 3 times.
- Yes, they DO make portable battery boosters!  They run $130+

Thursday, March 10, 2011

2011 Conference Prayer Outline

Prayer outline for the next 10 weeks

Week 1, March 6-12- Pray for seeds to be planted in hearts of families to attend. Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead the way in changing hearts, even now.

Week 2, March 13-19- Pray that the ladies of OHF will be diligent in doing their tasks with a happy heart, and not be distracted by the business of life. Prayers over the OHF families in the next two months, and their military members as they support our country.

Week 3, March 20-26- Pray that churches in the area will raise up to support this ministry event. Prayers for local churches in general and to work as a team in supporting this event.

Week 4, March 27-April 2- Pray that the word will be out through advertising and those who hear may be receptive to the invitation. Pray for response for sign ups, and full attendance of 280 ladies, and 50+ men.

Week 5, April 3-9- Pray for the Juergens family as they prepare their words they have for us, and blessings to their family for their obedience. Blessings to their travels, safety, and children to be well and protected. 

Week 6, April 10-16- Pray for local businesses, that they may join in this cause, and be blessed for their donations. Prayers for all who donated items and that the door prizes will be given to the exact individual who would be blessed by that item. 

Week 7, April 17-23- Pray for the base, and that this conference may be the spark to a spiritual awakening with military families. Pray for FROs, COs, and all leaders to turn towards the Lord in their leadership. 

Week 8, April 24-30- Prayers for the children who will attend this event. May they have hearts that draw close to the Lord through this conference, and may Jesus be real to them. May they accept Christ through this event.Prayers for blessings over the childcare workers.

Week 9, May 1-7- Pray for the men and women attending this event, and may this conference be a turning point, in giving their hearts to Christ, or changing to be more like Him. May they be encouraged and filled up. 

Week 10, May 8-14- Pray that the Lord will work out all the small details that have to be done this week, and pray for those leading this conference. Give peace and organization this week. 

Circumstance, Shmircumstance

Life Work:
Circumstance, Shmircumstance
Scripture Memory Verse:
“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
-        Philippians 4:11-13 NIV
 Life Work Assignments:
1.)    Take an honest assessment of yourself. Do you find yourself dependent on circumstance and independent of Christ? Or do you rely wholly and completely on Him alone and are independent of external circumstance, that is content?
2.)    The truth is most of us are pulled and pushed by circumstance. They determine our mood. They determine our attitude. They determine our actions. They control us. Circumstance usually gains control over us through our thoughts. Take a look at your thoughts and compare them to Philippians 4:6-9. Where are your thoughts coming from? Magazines or tv shows? A negative group of friends? Constant self-centered thinking? What do you need to do to make your thoughts reflect Philippians 4:6-9?
3.)    Look at Hebrews 11. Look up some of the stories of those mentioned in this Chapter. Answer these questions for the people listed in this chapter:  What was their circumstance? How could they have been swayed by it? What natural emotions might you have felt in their circumstance? How did they go against their natural inclination to depend on circumstance and how did they depend on God?
4.)    Read some verses on thoughts and attitudes. Meditate on them. Think about what they meant for the writer. Do some research about who wrote these verses and what they mean.
5.)    Contentment, regardless of what is going on around you, is a learned behavior that starts with knowing God’s truth. If you find yourself being pulled by what is going on in your circumstances, get into God’s word. Start learning His promises to you and memorize them. Speak them to yourself when you find yourself being pulled. Renew your mind daily. Read Hebrews 4:12 and Romans 12:2. Renewal is a process. It is done over and over again. God’s word is the only way to learn this process.
6.)    One of the greatest ways we can become dependent upon God instead of circumstance is to turn every fear into a prayer. When a thought pops into your mind that encourages you to become dependent on circumstance, turn it into a prayer.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2011 Military Family "A Day of Hope" Conference

Registration has begun for our 2011 Military Family Conference!!!

SHBC Operation: Hope Front Presents
"A Day of Hope"
2nd Annual Military Family Conference
Saturday, May 14th, 2011
Scotts Hill Baptist Church
Wilmington, NC

Open to all Military Wives and Female Military Members of all ranks and branches of service
Cross Point Center
Guest Speakers: Diana Juergens, Author of "Wife of a Soldier, a Journey of Faith" and her husband, COL Rich Juergens, US ARMY
Includes: Speakers, Lunch, Door Prizes, Music, Games and More!

Children ages birth-6th Grade will enjoy fun activities, lunch and more for FREE while mom attends the conference!

"Bagels and Basketball"
Open to all Military Men and Male Military Spouse of all ranks and branches of service
Family Life Center
Guest Speaker: COL Rich Juergens, US ARMY
Includes: Breakfast, Door Prizes, Guest Speaker, Basketball and More!

For more info, call the church office (910) 686-9885 or email us:

185 Scotts Hill Loop Rd. Wilmington, NC 28411

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Weekly Devotional-Trees by Rachel W.

Hey Ladies-
Rachel has blessed us with a devotional for this week that ties PERFECTLY to our upcoming discussion of spiritual disciplines! Don't forget, you too could be featured on our blog by just submitting a piece of writing about anything: what this ministry means to you, what God is teaching you or anything else! Enjoy this one and thanks Rachel for blessing us with your gift!
Trees by Rachel, USMC wife
I’ve always loved trees. As a young girl, I would walk around our backyard in South Carolina with my father, and he would teach me all about the names of the trees, examining their colorful leaves. In college, I took pictures every season of the same tree on our campus, in every stage of its beauty. In winter it was bare and naked, and when spring came along, the tree would come to life and bloom with soft pink flowers. I was in awe of God’s creation, a love letter in the form of a tree just for me! When my husband returned from his first deployment, I placed a yellow ribbon around his favorite tree, our Japanese Maple. We both have not had the heart to take the ribbon off, even after he returned from his second “long trip.” In a way, I must have always related to trees. The Lord created them to grow and change each season, weathering the storms of life, yet remain the same in who they were created to be. This morning in my devotions, I read that just as a tree requires water in order to flourish and thrive, men and women need the Scriptures in order to enjoy fruitful and abundant lives!
He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper. (Psalm 1:3 NKJV)
Of course I have always known that we as believers need to read God’s word, but I didn’t really think about the reason why. Isn’t just hearing praise and worship music, fellowshipping with believers, and going to Bible study enough to be fed?  A corporate relationship with God has been easy for me over the years, but the one on one, face- to- face time with God was more of a challenge. Getting into the scripture is sometimes painfully difficult with two boys pulling at my pajamas in the morning. And yet still, we were created to know God’s word, just as trees were made to know water. If either one of these is neglected of that need, they do not fulfill what God has created them to be. When either are not properly fed, they do not bare fruit, and will whither away.
I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure I don’t want to whither away! Start with five minutes a day, reading the Word. Most Bibles, and even Smart phones Apps, have reading plans that can help you begin. You have a great reminder to read God’s love letter to you, and a bird is sitting on it, right outside your window.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 2- Spiritual Gifts

Life Work:
Finding and Using your Spiritual Gifts
Scripture Memory Verse:
“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us…”- Romans 12:4-6
Life Work Assignments:
1.)    Now that you “know” your spiritual gifts (if you don’t, take an assessment), you have no more excuses! Now it is a matter of praying for and finding opportunities to use them to STRENGTHEN OTHERS. Start looking around you. There are broken people everywhere. How can you strengthen them today? How can you use your gift to increase their faith through a difficult storm? Pray John Piper’s prayer, “Lord, Oh how I want to strengthen people’s faith today. Grant that at the end of this day somebody will be more confident of Your promises and more joyful in your grace because I crossed [her] path.”
2.)    In addition to gifts given to us by our Heavenly Father, He also gives us talents and passions. Make a list of your talents and passions. This will reveal other ways you can STRENGTHEN OTHERS.
3.)    Operation: Hope Front is growing! We are adding new ladies to the group and preparing for a conference in May. Think about ways your gifts, talents and passions can be used in this group. So often God is wanting us to go into our sphere of influence and shower those around us such as the ladies in this group and our families with our gifts, talents and passions so that we may STRENGTHEN OTHERS. Look around and find opportunities. Start something. Do something. Move forward. You will be surprised to see how God will allow that to move you from outside your own problems and issues into doing something that matters eternally.
4.)    If you haven’t figured it out yet, the purpose of these Holy Spirit helpings of abilities are to STRENGTHEN OTHERS. Walk around your world with that distinct purpose. Do it everywhere you go. If you know you have the gift of mercy and see someone hurting, take the time to sit with them and listen to them. If you know your gift is that of teaching, find someone who is a new believer or an unbeliever and offer to sit with them and teach them about God’s word. Christianity isn’t a “book knowledge” faith. You have to DO something with what you learn from His word!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week 1- Ebenezer Stones

Life Work:
Ebenezer Stones
Scripture Memory Verse:
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV
Life Work Assignments:
1.     It is so easy to get caught up in the past. Past mistakes. Past regrets. Past accomplishments. Take an honest look at how you are caught up in the past. The word “dwell” means to live in, to make one’s home. How are you setting up shop and living in your past life or choices? How is that keeping you from seeing the “new thing” God is trying to do in your life?
2.     Sometimes, we need to dwell on our past. Our past with God. The ways He has delivered us. The ways He has kept us safe or prevented something from happening. But, also the ways, He has carried us through the most difficult of circumstances. Continue reflecting on your own personal “Ebenezer Stones” or stones of help-things, people or events that have happened that God used to remind you of His presence. Create your own Ebenezer reminder. Maybe you go for a walk, praying about the ways God has helped you this past year and take some things you find such as rocks with you. Maybe you create a bracelet or piece of jewelry to wear and remind you of your Ebenezer’s. Maybe you write something and keep it tucked in your Bible. Just create a physical reminder of how God has shown himself to you this past year.
3.     After we dwell on our past with God, we need to start looking forward. If you haven’t already, complete a Spiritual Gifts assessment. Start praying about how God wants you to serve this ministry and others. Ask Him to reveal how He wants you to use your gifts!

What This Ministry Has Meant for Me...

So, as part of our venture to keep an updated blog, I'd love for you all to be sending in your stories of what the ministry has meant to you, what God has been teaching you or anything else you'd just like to share with the group as a whole through written words. Since I ask this of you, I thought it only fair for me to go first :).

I was discussing with Rachel the other day what our "word" would be to describe our last year. Mine was "broken." Before you feel sorry for me, let me explain. The past 2.5 years have been the hardest I have ever endured. If you don't know my testimony of them, I'll gladly share with you sometime, but they have been by far the most trying, trial ridden ones of my twenty eight years on this earth.

I have believed in God and had a personal relationship with Him since as far back as I can remember. It is sometimes with a faith like that, you can have a lot of "head knowledge" without the heart knowledge. It is not until intense periods of difficulties come that you have to decide, am I in or am I out in this thing called Christianity? It is an all or nothing choice. Black and white. Yes or no. There is no maybe, on the fence, when it is convienent Christians. God's says, the gate is narrow, many will say "Lord! Lord!" like you know me but I will have never known you.

So the past couple of years, my word has been "broken." God stripped me down to my bones and made me decide if I was in or I was out. Was I going to trust or going to falter? In the midst of this, He planted in me a desire to minister to other military wives. The thing real brokenness has taught me is that we are all broken. Every one is walking wounded. Most of the time we try to hide this fact, but if you take the time with people and "get real" as Dr. Phil would say, you figure out we are all broken, hurting people, just in different ways. One of my favorite quotes is "Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."-Plato. It's true, the deeper I get into this ministry, the more I realize we all got our own junk we are dealing with. And the more I realize we all just want someone to journey through the storm with us.

Anyway, so during my intense "junk fest," I somehow, through the Holy Spirit and some incredible Ebenezer Stones (this week's lesson if you missed it), got the awesome task to head up a ministry for military wives in our area. As I got deeper and deeper into this, God was doing an incredible work in me. Through serving, He was able to bind up some of my gaping wounds that I had and start the healing process in so many ways. He focused my mind and my energies on other people and I watched as He bandaged up a casualty. He put others in my path that were going through some of the hurts and pains I had already experienced and allowed me the chance to share how He brought me through those things and give hope. When you get those opportunities, it gives purpose for all the pain you have endured. When God can use your brokenness, He can start to do some incredible things, some healing things, some eternal things. Things that can make a stay at home mom, following a man around as he chases his dreams, feel as though her life matters.

So, when I think about what this ministry has done for me, I think it has healed me. God gave me suffering to allow me to understand just a small taste of the suffering Christ endured. He gave me ministry to help me understand the servant leader Christ was and how the old addage, "it is better to give than to receive" is more than just an overstated cliche, it is an enduring truth.

I know a lot of you are hurting. You are wading in a pool of your own junk. My prayer for you these next few weeks is that God reveals to you the ministry He has for you, both within this group and in your sphere of influence, so that you can start to experience the incredible healing work He so longs to do in your life.

Thanks for being one of my Ebenezer Stones...

In Him-

Jan-May Calendar 2011

SHBC Operation: Hope Front Military Wives January-May 2011 Calendar
Bible Study Dates:
Night Time Study
Time: 7:30-9:00pm
Location: Catherine’s House
Childcare: Not provided, but we can assist.
Day Time Study
Time: 10:00-11:30am
Location: Catherine’s House
Childcare: Provided
Tuesday, January 11
Thursday, January 13
Tuesday, January 25*
Thursday, January 27*
Tuesday, February 8
Thursday, February 10
Tuesday, February 22
Thursday, February 24
Tuesday, March 8
Thursday, March 10
Tuesday, March 22
Thursday, March 24
Tuesday, April 5
Thursday, April 7
Tuesday, April 19
Thursday, April 21
Tuesday, May 3
Thursday, May 5
*Location may change for the 1/25 and 1/27 meeting dates. Please check your email!
CARE Time:
CARE is a time for us to come together once a month as a group and minister to the needs in the group. This may mean making/writing cards, calling someone, going to visit someone, praying or whatever the Spirit leads us to! We have set aside 4 dates for each study time and these will meet at other homes of ladies in the group. Check your email for more info the week before:

CARE Night Time Study
CARE Day Time Study
Tuesday, January 18
Tuesday, February 15
Tuesday, March 15
Tuesday, April 12
Thursday, January 20
Thursday, February 17
Thursday, March 17
Thursday, April 14

Fellowship Events: (MARK YOUR CALENDARS)

Saturday, February 5th: Family Event! Location/Time: TBD Bring your hubbies (if they are home) and kiddos to this fun time for military families!

Thursday, March 3rd: Ladies Night Out! Location/Time: TBD This one is just for girls! So arrange a sitter and get ready for some food and fun!

Friday, April 29th: Family Event! Location/Time: TBD Bring your hubbies (if they are home) and kiddos to this fun time for military families!

Thursday, May 12th: 2011 “A Day of Hope” Conference Set up day. Anyone who is able and willing, please help us set up for the 2011 Military Family Conference at Scotts Hill Baptist Church.

Friday, May 13th: Conference Team Celebration! A time for all those who were a part of making the Conference happen to come together and celebrate!

Saturday, May 14th: 2011 “A Day of Hope” Military Family Conference

Monday, May 23rd: End of Spring Party. Location/Time: TBD Join us as we celebrate together in what God has done in our lives and through the ministry!

Deployed Spouse Dinners:
The Fourth Thursday of every month, all who have a spouse deployed (and those whose husbands are home!) are invited to come together for a meal! More details will come! Contact Amanda 
Outreach/Mission Projects:
Each month we will have a specific outreach/mission project. Contact Katie or Alissa for more info. Our focus for each month is below:
                February: Helping at a Local Soup Kitchen
                March:    Baby baskets for Military Families in Need
                April: Bake Sale to benefit a local Charity
                May: Blood Drive

Have an idea for the ministry, but don’t see it on the calendar? LET US KNOW!!
We’d love to have everyone involved in areas they feel passionate about!