Thursday, October 28, 2010


Don't forget!!!
The Fall Fest is THIS weekend from 4pm until???
Food, fun (games, hayrides, apple bobbing), bonfire and more...Oh, did I mention CHILDREN CHASERS??? That's right, there will be people there with the job to CHASE your children so you can eat, converse, etc. etc. Can you believe it??? If that doesn't get you there, I don't know what will!

Contact me for more info:

Loneliness Life Work

Life Work:
All by myself…don’t wanna be, all by myself…anymore
Scripture Memory Verse:
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” –Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Life Work Assignments:
1.       Sometimes the first step in dealing with loneliness is admitting that we are in fact lonely. Most people don’t know what is going on inside of us, unless we let them in and tell them. If you are feeling lonely, first admit it to God. Tell Him why you think you are feeling this way. Is it because of your husband’s deployment? Is it because you are keeping your guard up with others so they can’t get in? Is it because you isolate yourself? Then, find someone who you think can be a friend to you during this time and admit it to them.
2.       Often times, we can make up stories in our heads about other people when in fact we ourselves are guilty of the same thing! Sometimes, we can say, “no one ever invites me out or tries to be my friend,” when in actuality we never attempt to invite others or be their friend. Actively try to engage people. Call someone up and ask them to do something with you. Sure, you might get rejected, but keep trying if at first you don’t succeed. Call others in this group or other “circles” in your life until you find someone who is willing to have another friend.
3.       Some of you may not be dealing with the feeling of loneliness in your life right now. Praise God for that! But, undoubtedly, you have experienced a season of loneliness. Be actively seeking those who are lonely and comfort them in their time of loneliness. What are some actual things you can do to show someone else they are not alone? Can you send them a card? Can you invite them over for dinner? Be creative and then, do it!
4.      Aloneness is not always a bad thing. If your husband is away or if you are just feeling as though you are in a season of loneliness, use it to grow closer to God. Use times of aloneness for prayer and studying His word. Converse with God as frequently as you do your husband when he is home and you will find your relationship with God grow abundantly. Share the same concerns you would share with your husband, with your Creator. Share your daily thoughts, just as you would with your husband, with God. The conversation we are suppose to carry on with God isn’t meant to last just in the morning, before a meal or at night before bed, it is meant to be continuous.

Monday, October 18, 2010


It's a Fall Fest Fellowship Event!
Hay ride, Pumpkin Carving, apple bobbing, food, fellowship and more!
Bring the WHOLE family (or at least whoever is not deployed ;) and come whether you have kids or not! There will be something for EVERYONE!!!

Join us Saturday, October 30th from 4pm-until
for a Fall Fest for SHBC Operation: Hope Front!
This event is open to ALL military families so invite military friends
(just please let us know how many are planning to attend)
Location: See evite, email if you haven't received an evite

Costumes are welcome but not required!

Trust (Night Study: 10/12 and Day Study: 10/14)

Life Work:
Wait for it, wait for it…
Learning to Trust

Scripture Memory Verse:
“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
-Luke 11:11-13 NIV
 Life Work Assignments:
1.) Make a list of some things you have recently cried out “But I want it!!” to God. That is, what are some of the things you have wanted God to give you?
2.) Think about times when you prayed for things and God said no or not now because He had something better in store. Make two columns. In the first write “What I wanted” and in the second write “What I Got.” Then, list the things you asked for and what God eventually gave you instead. When you are feeling impatient or are lacking trust in God’s plan, reflect on those things
3.) Start looking at whether or not in your heart of hearts you trust God and that He has your ultimate good in store for you. If you find that you don’t truly trust Him, work that out with Him this week during your prayer time. Ask Him to increase your trust.
4.) Go to and search the word “Trust”. Look at some Bible verses and stories that deal with trusting God. Make a box of 3x5 cards with verses on trust that you can refer to at times when you find yourself lacking trust.

Temptation (Night Study did this 9/28, Day Study will do 10/21)

Life Work:
Slow Fade
Scripture Memory Verse:
“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” 
-1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV
 Life Work Assignments:
1.)   This week, try to recognize the temptations you have. What is enticing and alluring you to deviate from the straight path God set before you? Write down the temptations you are facing and pray to God to show you the way out. As you go through the week, write down what He reveals.
2.)   The best way to stop temptation from ever spiraling into full blown sin is to combat it with God’s truth. However, before you can do that, you need to know God’s truth. Take an honest look at how well you know God’s truth. Do you spend time in His word each and every day? If not, start having a daily time to read your Bible. Do you hide scripture in your heart? Remember Christ’s perfect example of how to combat the enticements and alluring promises of Satan: to quote God’s word directly. When we know God’s word by heart, we can immediately combat the lies and tantalizations of Satan.
3.)   Casting Crown sang words that ring true for so many of us, when they said, “The journey from your mind to your hands is shorter than your thinking/Be careful if you think you stand you might just be sinking/It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away/It’s a slow fade when black and white are turned to gray.” Slow Fade, Casting Crowns. Sometimes we think it is ok to focus our thoughts on things as long as we don’t act on them. But our thoughts can quickly become our actions. Take a real close look at what you think about and what you put into your thoughts, in other words the music, the television, the reading, or anything else that we focus on. Are there things that are lulling you into a slow fade? Do you need to turn away from certain places? Pray to God for the wisdom and discernment to show you areas in your life that could potentially turn black and white into gray.